Tabloid Whore!



"Ha! I don't know how it happened either!"
Love her or hate her, Laguna Beach's Kristin Cavallari has yes, landed her first movie role. The current issue of US Weekly reports that Kristin has been cast in the upcoming thriller 88 Minutes opposite Al Pacino (WTF?!). While real actors in Hollywood are simultaneously gagging over the horror of losing another role to a reality television star, a source tells US, "Kristin is so excited. She never thought her first movie would be with Al Pacino!" Although the source did not reveal what and how big her role is, they did say "Kristin has several scenes with Pacino." Hmmmm....that reeks of "Can I like, take your orderrrr Sir? Would you like a warm uuuup? Desserrrrrt?"

Laguna Beach Finale
Laguna Beach: LC Gets Her Own Show
Laguna Beach: What's Happening Now
Laguna Beach Recap: LC and Jason, DUNZO!
L.C and Jason? Oh. My. Gaw.
Laguna Beach Secrets


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can speak for this actor and i'm sure many others, my skin is crawling.

That makes me CRA-ZAY!

7:40 AM, November 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope she plays his lover.

9:13 AM, November 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry but I love her on the show and I hope she does great. I would much rather see her in movies than Jessica or either of the alex girls. She is a beautiful girl also. I know you all don't like her but she is my fav:-)

10:42 AM, November 03, 2005  
Blogger Tabloid Whore! said...

I agree, she is really pretty. I just don't like people who play games, male or female. and yes, i would rather see her in the movies than the other girls too. The point being is that it's silly how these reality stars get tv/movie roles when there are real actors out there who study and struggle for years to get a part and then someone who has 15 mins of fame gets jobs because of a reality show they were on. That's why so much of Hollywood hates reality shows. and no, I am not, nor ever had the desire to be an actor...just a tabloidwhore observation. :)

12:20 PM, November 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She looks like every other pretty blond out there.Its boring and Ive seen girls that live on the street that have more unique and exotic beauty than kristen ever will!Kristen is a dime a dozen! Sorry if that upsets people but its true.
it sad that people lower there standards instead of holding out for TRUE beauty.Patience people Patience and true beauty will eventually come out of the wood work.DONT SELL YOUSELF SHORT!

11:22 AM, November 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its upsetting seeing Kristen leave the show but she will be in a movie! how weird is that? i wonder what role she'll play. either way she will do great and even if she is a bitch, we all still love her on the inside!

5:20 PM, November 14, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Every other real actor out there" hahahaa. What? Do you consider Lindsay Lohans coked out ass more of a real actress? and I'm sorry I don't think they are going to cast Merly Streep in that role.Kristen is majoring in that field, I dont see why she shouldnt have a chance to act, just like anyone else. Dont hate just because she gets to be on a reality show and in a movie. At least see the movie and whatever skills she may or may not have before you judge it.

5:30 PM, November 20, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd venture to say that lindsay lohan is a much better actress than kristin...seeing that laguna beach isn't a real reality show and they film several takes of each conversation from different angles (which makes the people on it stupider than the idiots they already appear to be). even though i don't like lohan off-screen, you have to realize she's been acting since a very young age and that usually a ditzy person can't convincingly play a ditzy part. talon tried auditioning for tv shows and was horrendous...we'll have to see if kristin can do any better.

3:13 PM, November 28, 2005  

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