Update: Jillian Barberie is pregnant! Read HERE.
Congratulations going out to Good Day L.A. & Skating With the Celebrities star Jillian Barberie who got married this weekend! Jillian broke the news this morning on Good Day L.A. that she married her boyfriend Grant Reynolds over the weekend. The couple was fresh off of what Jillian called a "honeymoon before the wedding" in Europe when they tied the knot. The ceremony was really simple with no guests and just Jillian & Grant exchanging vows in her backyard. It was such a spur of the moment thing that when Jillian had no wedding dress to wear, her friend Heather Locklear gave her an ivory dress from a movie she was once in. According to Jillian, she and Grant have known each other for 4 years, but have only been very serious for the past 6 months. This marriage comes as a happy shock for Jillian fans who realized how much she was in love with this fellow when she admitted this morning that although she has never wanted to have children before, she wants to have them with her new husband. Awww Jillian! Best of luck to you, you deserve it girl!
KTTVFox11 LA Images via tmz.com
6 months to a year tops.
Who could put up with that voice for a whole friggen YEAR?! No Way!
I'm with you TW, good for Jillian.
Now if we can get step up the chat on the upcoming season of Project Runway.
Heather Locklear! Now we're talkin'!!
Sorry...I can't stand her.
I thought she only dated black guys!
Ha! Denise was SO RIGHT to end her friendship with Heather if this is the sort of ''friend'' Heather hangs out with. Jillian is as low-class as they come and nearly always strung out and high which explains why herself and HEather are such friends. Denise is better off without these low-lifes in her life. The fact that only a few months later she ended up with Richie is just a bigger bonus for Denise. She moved on and moved UP and rid demon Heather from her life. Seeing Heather with Jillian proves that to me
oh, and by the way...Heather DOES have Finch tattooed on her ankle in tribute to David Spade, I've just seen the picture. People are holding this woman up as classy?! BAH! who on earth gets a tattoo in ''tribute'' to their ''boyfriend'' of ''3 months''? only if DEnise was RIGHT ALL ALONG and David and Heather have infact been seeing eachother since last September...which I am now convinced is true. Heather cheated on Richie, filed for divorce without him even knowing, then put out there she was ''hurt'' when her EX friend hooked up with the husband she dumped. She MANIPULATED everyone and most idiots fell for it
I hope this guy realises what he's got into with Jillian and her ''friends''...Richie certainly didn't and he paid the price for 11 years.
Jillian looks TERRIBLE here and her boobs are practically falling out of that dress, funny since it was Heather's dress she was wearing.
Good luck to Jillian's husband, it aint gonna last buddy. Shes just an FHM mag ''model'' and can't act or present to save her life. She, along with her ''friend'' Heather, are as bitchy and annoying as they come. I pity him
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for her...
I wish her the best of luck
Simply FUG!
1:01 anonymous, i pity you. You sound evil. who are you to judge jillian? one thing's for sure, she'd never fuck her friends husband.
where is the love people?
im happy for jillian & and her new hubby, she looks beautiful.
You guys are mean. She is not only doing good for herself, she seems to do good for others. See what was posted last nigth on Jillian's fan site:
--- In ultimatejillianbarberieclub@yahoogroups.com, "matt" wrote:
Subject: Jillian Saved Me!
In past three months we were in a hard breakup with my girl friend.
Monday morning the same time Jillian shocked all of us by her marriage, she had a beautiful fruit bouquet on her table. In another post I found the maker, Fruits to Remember, and yesterday ordered one of their gorgeous luxury bouquets on www.FruitsToRemember.com to be delivered to my girl friend work.
I can just tell you the bouquet was so attractive that she called me this afternoon, and well, we got back together tonight! As you see I am still awake!!
--- End forwarded message ---
You're just jealous because you don't have any boobs at all . .. what a lame ass post. Denise Richards is a whore. She's not only screwing a married man, but she's still married as well. Your view of the world is way off center. I don't think that it's Jillian who's high.
Dude. He's my apartment manager! I wish them a lot of luck!
I think I use to know him in Virginia. He had short hair and no facial hair. About six years ago I heard he was trying to be an actor. Gotta be him.
wow... can i just say, all you @$$#01&$ talking shit about people who are obviously doing too good to care about you nobodies... please try to focus on your bitter lives and leave the comments to people who actually have something positive to say
wow... can i just say, all you @$$#01&$ talking shit about people who are obviously doing too good to care about you nobodies... please try to focus on your bitter lives and leave the comments to people who actually have something positive to say
jillian i know u dont listen to neg com and thats goog cong for youre wedding my husband loves you and hes heart broken. i know you dont need adv comunication is the key good luck.
My heart was broken when I heard the news, but after seeing the pictures of the wedding and the way JR aka JB's face was glowing, you go girl.
My prediction, they have a child together in 1907. They grow old together with 4 grand children, And 20 plus dogs and cats that she and her family takes in.
She has done good.
My MOTHER IN LAW loves to watch you every morning although the only english word she knows is DOG!!!
I hoped you had your eggs frozen to get pregnant? Your lucky Heather was in the picture. That's why anyone took notice? Also, did you have a prenup?
you go girl...wish you the best of luck...marriage is a beautiful thing..
How old is Jillian? She should hurry up and have kids...tic tic tic. My congradulations goes out to Brian Reynolds (or whoever that guy is). Just another notch on the belt of upcoming "himbo's" Following in the footsteps of KFed, this Reynolds guys career is about to take off, while Jillians will come to a scretching halt. Get ready America... Popozou the Remix, coming soon.
I just want to say congrats to the bride and groom! Jillian...you so deserve to be happy! To all the people hating...i think you all are jealous, cause shes beautiful and successful, something you all probably arent! Before you start talking about other people maybe you should look at ur selfs! Its obvious she does something right. She is on the #1 show & was a fan favorite on "skating w/ celebrities". But anyways...You go Girly!! Best wishes to many happy years!
One of ur many fans...danielle
Just saw her this morning going into work.
Darn Labor Day work.
I work in the same building.
She is so PREGNANT!!
You can see it in her face.
A gorgeous women who deserves to be happy! May it last forever!
To the anonymous person who posted up a novel about how Jillian and Heather are low-class...get a fucking life. You seem so bitter about matters that aren't yours, honey. Please, seek some professional help before you hurt yourself :)
Jillain announced today that she is pregnant!
You go girl!
Heard yesterday on NFL FOX she got married. Heartbroken I am. Still wish her the best. Hottest babe on tv and she's 40. We could all be so lucky. Wish she was my baby's mother.
I wish Jillian the best on her new marriage, but do hope that she starts covering up her boobs more on Good Day LA, it's just too early in the morning to see so much skin!!! Let's hope Mr. Reynolds brings out the more conservative classy side in her or get's her bra size measered because she is always wearing bras a few sizes too small. I enjoy Dorthy and Steve on the show because they are informative and funny but Jillian tends to contribute only her body as a marketing tool then the weather for 30 seconds. Don't get me wrong she can be funny and savy every now and then but relies on her body as talent to stay on the air.... as a woman that is degrading. Best of luck Grant!!!
it's all so lame....really...
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