Star is claiming Britney is 5'5 and 140 lbs, which is probably an average weight for alot of women out there who haven't even had a baby. Great, the last thing she needs is to be like Anna Nicole Smith and start taking some "magic diet pill" that is probably some f'd up form of natural speed to make her thin. Good God! The woman just had a baby a few months ago, give her a break! Not all women are like freakin' Heidi Klum, prancing around in her lightbulb bra & panties mere weeks after giving birth. I don't care what everyone thinks, I think Heidi got a tummy tuck anyway. People need to leave my girl Brit alone and stop acting like she should be superhuman because she is a celebrity. She's a new mom, who is probably exhausted and trying to do the best she can. It's pressures like this that are probably causing the poor girl to go cuckoo and do stupid things like drive with her baby on her lap. Can you imagine what could happen next with this diet junk in her? Brit honey, just go back to your 500 crunches a day and stay far, far, away from the diet pills. Please.
I think for just having a baby she looks great....I hope to look like that after having a baby.
I totally agree with you, and it's nice to see that at least one person understands that the way she looks is NORMAL for someone who recently had a baby! It's sad how women are expected to look devastating days after giving birth now. So many unrealistic expectations....ugh. I too hope she doesn't resort to taking drugs to get the weight off...don't go down that road, Britney!
Britney was never stick thin, but she was very toned. If she just starves via diet pills, she will lose a lot of lean muscle mass. She should be talking to a smoking cessation advertiser instead of those dangerous diet pills. I think she can get her figure back with a good trainer that kicks her butt (which she can afford) and a chef who will prepare healthy foods (which she can afford). She doesn't even need to lose that much weight, just firm up and streamline.
Perhaps she can order some big balls and do some leg lifts and give Gunnar a call. He'll whip her into normal shape.
Not pill popping, purging, smoking shape!
I have spoken
Hey. Hazim here.
I don't really care bout Britney's weight, but I don't know where her career's headed. I mean, can she come back with a strong album. She can't really act. Crossroads anyone? Maybe the Will&Grace thing's a test balloon.
By the way, for people so concerned with Brits and her tummy, check out Janet's recent pics. Nasty Girl!
People need to leave my girl alone.
I think it's good that she knows what it's like to be of "normal" weight. While the media i applying pressure, Britney has her fair share of pushing herself to look and be a certain way. She doesn't look bad, and to think so is a blow to her esteem and a slap in the face to those that are in that weight and height range.
Britney's addiction to anal sex is what worries me most...
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