Tabloid Whore!



The 5th season of The Simple Life is currently in production and as you may have heard, Nicole Richie was rushed to the hospital a couple weeks ago after complaining of dizzyness and was treated for dehydration. She was given intravenous fluids for 15 minutes and then released. Nice to know she is keeping up with her healthy diet. Anyway, so far it's only been reported that Nicole and Paris Hilton will be camp counselors for the 5th season of their trainwreck show, but now, The National Enquirer revealed in this week's issue exactly what kind of camp the girls are working at. According to The Enquirer, Nicole and Paris will be counselors during "fat camp" week at Camp JCA Shalom in Malibu, CA. You heard me.

Considering she last checked in weighing somewhere in the range of 88 lbs, I'm sure this idea to have Richie counsel kids that need to lose a few pounds is a pathetic attempt at irony. Forget irony, it's more annoying that anything else. It's bad enough today's youth has to be subjected to these horrible, skank girls as role models on every cover of every magazine. Now, to make matters worse, the poor, fat kiddies who need to go to a camp to lose weight are going to be counseled by one girl who is a former drug addict and
alleged anorexic and the other being an alleged cocaine user with the herpes? Gross. Saddest thing about it is that the way these girls have acted towards people on their show in the past, they will probably be laughing and making jokes about all of these children behind their backs at the end of the day.
Source: National Enquirer


Blogger Poppy said...

The kids might see it as fun to have them around, but from a more global perspective it is probably not a wise idea to have these jokers showing up at fat camp for what is likely the specific purpose of making fun of kids behind their backs. I still remember the time I walked in on people making fun of me when I was a chubby 10 year old. I don't dwell on it, but it definitely taught me something unnice about the world...

8:14 AM, March 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe it will be midgets dressed in fat suits.... and the joke will be on Paris and Nicole

4:19 PM, March 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, at least the parents of the kids can sue these 2 clowns for 'emotional distress'. That should be good for, say, $5 mil a piece.

BTW, did ritchie allegedely have by-pass surgery?

4:48 PM, March 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any parent who agreed to have these two empty headed idiots around their kids needs help. maybe Paris can share her life experiences being a humanitarian, and Nicole can tell them about how good it is to be 88 pounds and on drugs. IMO it is a much nicer world when everyone goes on instant ignore when it comes to these two self invovled twittering idiots. They have received far too much press as is.

5:07 PM, March 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My God this is a bad idea. Any parent who would allow their child to attend a fat camp that includes these two as counselors need their children removed from their inapropriate homes! for God's sake Nicole is a practicing anorexic, and Paris is NO role model! What part of either of these girls so called career will qualify them to counsel children who need help losing weight? Please people do not watch or support this travesty!

11:00 PM, March 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you say "Paris can share her life experiences being a humanitarian". You need a drug test, you on bad crack. Only life experiences Paris have is laying on her back, knees. She is the Queen Whore. She will gives lesson on how to be a HO.

6:10 PM, March 27, 2007  

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