Tabloid Whore!



Hmmm....maybe this new cover of US Weekly convinced Britney to drop out of co-hosting the Billboard Music Awards and hopefully chill out on her late night partying with you-know-who. Only time will tell. Britney needs to be with those babies instead of prancing around town showing her bits and pieces! Now that I think about it, when on earth are we going to see pictures of Jayden James, huh?
Cover via US Weekly


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Britney should wake up and realize that it is a pretty bad move in her career when she goes out with Paris and Paris looks classier than Britney. Pretty hard to do but Brit, you pulled it off.

6:57 AM, November 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think that loser KFed will get the kids. After all, he did leave his pregnant girlfriend for Britney and he didn't spend time with his kids. What's wrong with Britney going out and having fun as long as her kids are being very well taken care of!

8:39 AM, November 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you guys need to back off. Paris doesn't seem to be a bad person, so she slept around a bit. If Britney wants to go out and have a good time, then she will. I don't understand why people talk about celebs like it is the person next store. Yes it is fun reading about what they do and how they dress, but what have you done so amazing to judge them. I don't care if your a saint, they want to live the way they want; and good for them for doing it. I think both of them are living life to the max, I think everyone should. Good for them!

12:01 AM, December 12, 2006  

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