Tabloid Whore!



Wow. Once again, PETA has spared no punches when it comes to announcing the top candidates for their annual celebrity 'Worst-Dressed' list. The following list and nasty remarks appeared on their website for their 2006 top picks for 'Worst-Dressed' fur wearing whores:

1. Nicole Richie: This pelt-wearing party girl is all animal skin and bones. She's an incredible shrinking woman with the heart to match.
2. Ashley Olsen: Wearing fur does add 20 pounds, but if Ashley wants to fill out her frame, we suggest using a fork instead.
3. Christina Ricci: Disregarding the holiday season's "Peace on Earth" message, Ricci recently posed for a magazine cover wearing fur from slaughtered reindeer. At least she's not into fur hats: Imagine how many more pelts it would take to cover that forehead.
4. Eva Longoria: You'd think she'd be more sympathetic to the plight of rabbits considering the way she screws around like one on Wisteria Lane.
Yeah, yeah, I'm not for wearing fur either and all that other kind of jazz, but does throwing out vicious personal attacks against these women instead of just stating the cold, brutal facts of, "Ricci wore fur from slaughtered reindeer," really help support their cause? I'm not a fan of half of these women, but c'mon, the line about Christina Ricci's unusually large forehead was just sooo unfortunate.
Source: Fur Is Dead


Blogger ASD said...

and WAY too funny! hahahahhaa

6:36 PM, November 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so wearing fur automatically puts you in the running for worstdressed? i dont support ppl wearing real fur but doesnt make much sense. It doesnt exactly help the cause

10:47 PM, November 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people at PETA would rather bitch at people wearing fur than help human beings find jobs, homes, food a good education. As far as I'm concerned until those problems are solved PETA will be nothing more than a joke of an organization that needs to get their priorities straight. PETA I don't care what you say I love my long black mink coat. HA!

11:10 AM, November 30, 2006  

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