Oh man. What in the world is wrong with Michael Richards (aka: Kramer on Seinfeld)?
TMZ has a video of him going off on a racial tirade on stage this weekend at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood. It appears as though Richards had a heckler in the audience and responded to said heckler by screaming at him like a maniac and calling him the N word over and over. What the hell? Well, since there aren't any excuses for this type of behavior, Richards probably kissed the little career he had remaining (and it ain't much) after Seinfeld goodbye. I bet next thing we'll hear is that "drugs or alcohol" were to blame for his behavior and that Richard's will promptly be checking into rehab in a bid to save his career, yadda, yadda, yadda ...
I dunno about career ending. Stand up comics are sort of known for saying outrageous things, wot?
Hey.HazimHere...again. StandUp Comedians usually DO poke fun at different races. ya know, the typical 'oh, asian guys have small'insert swear word here' and cant speak English well' or 'black guys havent gotten over the fact that Tupac is dead' or 'white guys cant get over the fact Elvis is dead'. That kinda thing.
But this one was clear over the ine, me thinks.Oh well,he can always work at McDonalds.
Career ending? He could have been "Monk", but rejected it. Tony Shalhoub find his once-in-a-lifetime hit, while he was doing stand up, like Ol' Schreech.
Kramer, what was you thinking don't you know by saying some shit like that whould end by you getting your ass kicked had you been in the "HOOD"? Then you wanna go on Jesse Jackson radio show and say that you was sorry. Sorry my ass. You are a grown man. Act like it and take responibilty for your actions. Those men didn't humilate you. you humilated yourself. Because your acting career was heading for the pit, thats what were really upset about. now what do you really think is ganna happen? A Black Woman Pissed!!!!!
Kramer, what was you thinking don't you know by saying some shit like that whould end by you getting your ass kicked had you been in the "HOOD"? Those men didn't humilate you. you humilated yourself. now what do you really think is ganna happen? A Black Woman Pissed!!!!!
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