Tabloid Whore!



Oh dear, oh dear! What in the world could be going on in this week's National Enquirer?? It looks like a whole lotta mess to me ... There hasn't been a good Brad & Angelina scandal in a while so it's about time! The Enquirer is claiming that Angie "walked in" on Brad and Jen which led to an "explosive confrontation." What ever could she have walked in on? Unfortunately, as much as I wish they were caught all nasty, sweaty and tangled up in bed together or something scandalous like that, it appears that Angie allegedly caught Brad and Jen on the phone together. The Enquirer adds that when Angie walked in on this, she flipped her lid. If we are to believe tabloid reports, this is not the first time Angie caught Brad and Jen having a little telephone chat. After that, when Brad reportedly tried to calm her down and tell her it was just about business, The Enquirer says Angie accused him of having ulterior motives for moving back to Malibu. Hmm... ya think? Also inside the mag you will get the lowdown on whose Hollywood boobies are real and whose are fake, more on Christie Brinkley's scandalous divorce, Katie Holmes reportedly still miserable and now sleeping alone (poor thing does NOT look happy) and both Julia Roberts and Courtney Cox working hard to have more babies (good luck girls!). Oh my! So much drama in Hollywood!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who really believes the NE? Shiloh looks too much like Brad, not to be his. People are too jealous of Brad and Angelina.

2:52 PM, July 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's what happens when U take another woman man! U have to look over your shoulder cause he just might pull the same thing on U, kids or no kids (including adopted ones) karma, karma, karma.

3:17 PM, July 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and I forgot, karma does come back and bite in the ass 3X harder!!! Mari.

3:18 PM, July 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember ladies, a woman can't take another womans man unless he wants to be taken! Brad didn't have to go with Angelina he must have wanted to so stop blaming Angelina for taking Jen's man. I'm sure he went willingly. You don't really think he was forced against his will to leave Jen do you? It takes 2 to tango!!

7:58 AM, July 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This B.S. story was planted in the N.E. by the Anniston camp. Pitt is so in love with Jolie and enraptured with their lives and their children that Jennifer Anniston is nothing more than a footnote to him. Frankly, I can't understand how Anniston is still making movies. She can't act and her looks are mediocre at best. I wish she would marry Vince Vaughn so that she can stop banking her career on being a "victim." The "wronged woman" schtick is getting a little old.

9:58 AM, July 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the above commenter..Of course she is worried she did the same thing to Jennifer, and then had the gull to publically state that she would never be with a married man! Whatever.. If a man cheats once, he'll do it again. If Angie is smart she will keep an eye on him.

11:19 AM, July 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Business is Business. Everyone relax.

3:58 PM, July 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rich lime light type get richer from us less fortunant. By the more we are intrigued from what they do and how they live. The middle class want to live larger. But have and cause too many headaches
Then the poor and forgotten are beggen for relief.
If we gave less to the known and more to the unknown maybe we all could share in a light somewhere.
I am sick of all the rich not sharing more interest in the country we live in. Due to we are the ones that make their money ,lifestyle and comforts for them. And we are treated like we don't exsist by them.
Dam we have children in our own country that needs homes as well. Why adopt elsewhere. Maybe even bring us illness that are not known to this country as well.
Also there are more cute smart girls and guys that are not in the lime light than what is.
Aren't you tired of the rich getting richer and the ones that get them there like you and I wondering what will happen to us. Get with it.
I am only in here for a column I am writing for the forgotten people. I take little interest in Brad, Bob, Jolie and Jen. Thanks for your time in reading this. Sandi

7:46 AM, July 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think angelina is just a homewrecker. you know that brad still loves jen. she just wants attention. she knew that brad always talked about having kids. angelina adopts and opens wide!!!

9:11 PM, July 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont believe it but i love it anyway!!!!

5:14 AM, July 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to Star magazine Jen is too busy wooing Vince's family to worry about Brad! She has been trying to win over Vine's too older sisters and former-money-manager mom Sharon!

7:28 AM, July 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am soooo tired of Jen haters! That woman has 10 times more class than Angelina Jolie!!!!!! Brad is a fucking FOOL!

1:14 PM, July 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree about Jen having much more class then Angelina. Someone can't completely change who they are on the inside just b/c they adopt a couple of children and "pretend" to do charity work. Remember, Angelina carried a vile of blood around her neck not long ago which is too creepy for me. Jen is much more realistic and down to earth. She's herself and not pretending to be Mother Teresa. Team Aniston!

1:53 PM, August 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brad was having a midlife crisis. He and angelina will never last. Angelina chose Brad because she loves the challenge of getting someone, especially when he belongs to someone else. Angelina is such a hippocrit. She pretends to be helping people, but it's really for her own noteriaty. She does anything for attention. She is also a control freak. Brad is getting sick of it and he probably realizes he made a mistake. Her lips are way too plumped up. She looks like lady fish in the old Don Knotts movie The Incredible Mr Limpet!!

12:29 AM, August 23, 2006  

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