Star magazine is reporting that Mel Gibson has checked into rehab. His rep told the magazine Mel is in a recovery program for addiction to the drink. I'm sure this comes as no surprise to anyone after what happened Friday. Read more from Star Magazine HERE.
I think after his "publicity stunt" in rehab he should visit Krakow Poland and Auswitz. I just returned and was quite humbled by the experience. In addition, I find it sickening that Mr. Gibson was in "talks" to do a mini-series about the Holocaust.
As I stated in the last posting, Mr. Gibson chose to make these anti-semitic and sexist remarks early Friday morning. In the future, my choice is to boycott any film starring Mr. Gibson and any film produced by Icon Productions.
Yes, Mr. Gibson you are a sick man and need a lot more help than any rehab will ever be able to provide. I feel tremendous sorrow for your family and pray that they do not follow in your (or your father's) beliefs.
Poster 3:53pm) It's very comforting knowing you're supporting a racist. You should have typed in TEAM MORON!!!
You are simply intolerant of others' struggles and religious beliefs, and you're also critical of their personal demons. No one's perfect and it's better to embrace the good of the world, especially in these trying times -- we've heard an immediate apology (sans blame or accusations) and a visit now to rehab.
His body of work has provided jobs for people of ALL color and denominations. AND THAT is what counts much more than an unfortunate drunken tirade.
I would go so far as to say people have a previous bias against Gibson, based on personal interpretations of his movies... or a problem with his adherance to strict Catholicism. And that to me is a form of intolerance.
Words and alcohol. Let it go. Take the apology and move on.
Dude needs some help. Hope he truly gets it. Enough hate in the world.
poster 5:03) Don't try to feed me this "love everyone,
including there faults" bullshit! Cause I'll puke. From this point on Mel Gibson deserves what has coming to him. END OF STORY.
FYI: Never try to armchair analyze someone online because you wind up making a complete ass of yourself.
I hope he goes straight to hell from rehab.
5:42, thankfully I never take advice from anyone who wields a small pen and a smaller mind, and that's you.
Your armachair analysis comment is interesting though. What do you think blogs are for, and why do you think you're here? You've already made presumptions about people in this thread.
Meanwhile, while we're overlooking Mel Gibson's apology and entry into rehab, plus the fact that it was over a drunken string of words, we get to see the people we actually DO elevate in film, entertainment and music.
There's R Kelly, on trial for raping young girls; on videotape too. Rap stars who kill and get caught in the crossfire (take your pick; too many to name here). Artists who urge the killing of cops, and get paid royalties for it.
Hollywood films that take a dig at Christianity and portray the clergy as bumbling fools (think of the drunk fool in "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner"). Google it and you'll find film characters and situations where Christ and Christianity are treated as a joke. No one complains though.
The only person Mel Gibson hurt is himself. He said foolish incendiary things which only ignited an already high-octane situation. Thankfully, no one was killed or paralyzed.
Here is a classic case of inventing words to make up for the fact you're a lousy conversationalist:
[Don't try to feed me this "love everyone, including there faults" bullshit!]
No one said to "love everyone". Mel Gibson apologized, entered rehab, threw out no accusations, claimed no victimhood, AND he's spent more of his life creating jobs for professionas and actors of ALL denominations.
Don't worry, you know he's paying the price for his verbal tirade. But I refuse to live in YOUR world where a verbal tirade, no matter how inappropriate, is elevated to some form of evil. To erase a person's total life work and contributions? He didn't kill anybody. He's not Tookie Williams who committed cold-blooded murder and later tried a few surface moves like writing childrens books, to portray redemption.
Mel Gibson made a mistake. So don't love him. But do you need to vilify someone who spewed a string of drunken, bigoted words? His career and work show the opposite --- and a lot of good, too. It's a few select performers today, like Howard Stern, who get away with the same hostile racist remarks. But with Howard, he's paid millions of dollars and sits on top of some career called The King of All Media. Go figure.
Strict Catholisism? Are you kidding me? A strict Catholic would NEVER do or say the things he did.
Catholics / Christians love all people. The faith is about love.
I'm Catholic and i'm offended at YOUR ignorance.
Thankfully ABC/DISNEY came to their senses and decided to axe Mel's mini-series of all things "The Holocaust" good grief!
I love the idea that because Mel Gibson's movies have created jobs for people, we should be grateful to him. I understand that Hitler too increased Germany's employment rolls & even made the trains run on time. Now if that ain't worth praising . . .
8:31, you raise a good point about the strict Catholicism. It's hard for me to argue that.
Mel (and other alcoholics) need to step up and do some very heavy lifting. Frankly, when someone is religious it totally conflicts with the message they wish would guide their life. As we know, religion doesn't prevent anyone from being an alcoholic or any other negative social condition. The disease wrestles with the structured faith of religion.
I think what you call my ignorance is an awareness that alcoholism is considered a daily struggle. A heavy binge is not admirable in anyone, but I just part with a few readers on this board in replacing a person's accomplishments with one alcohol-fueled outburst.
It's pretty clear Mel hurt Mel and the people who rely on him for work. He angered everyone else. Thankfully, no crash or loss of life. People are dead-set now if he's a dyed in the wool bigot or was under the influence and reacting to some inner demons. Obviously Gibson Sr. has some serious problems in how he views history. Mel is not in that category; but he did grow up with it.
Again, I refuse to live in a world where a verbal tirade, no matter how inappropriate, is elevated to some form of evil. To erase a person's total life work and contributions? I won't do it. Sorry.
linda718, you certainly bring up a good point. Now balance that with the fact that Hitler killed millions and Gibson killed no one.
And try to keep to the topic at hand.
Hi 8:12 a.m. Thanks for the nice reminder to be topical. Funny, because I seem to recall that the topic at hand is Mel Gibson's hateful comments, not whether he's employed a lot people on his movie sets. Try to stop being such a dumb ass.
the REAL topic is that Gibson drove drunk, threatening his own life and anyone who was also driving PCH.
Look linda718, when the cops lock you up for your looney thoughts (which is in itself a wholly appealing idea), maybe you'll learn that people have thoughts. Mel expressed some of his thoughts, offended many, and now he's going into rehab. Thankfully, no one was killed.
Your Hitler drop is the classic Internet move to try to sound important on a subject when you're merely a one-dimensional thinker. There's a name for when people try to add it to a post, something to the effect of "you lose. You resorted to Hitler".
It really has nothing to do with the topic. Mel offended you and you won't see his movies. And because he's a celebrity, way too much has been devoted to this; even his defenders are coming out at places like HuffPo. I expect Hollywood will keep humming along regardless of what you think. And this topic will get rehashed for the next few days and more idiots like you will bring in the Hitler drop. That's life on the 'net.
anyone that compares mel gibson to hitler doesn't know much about hitler. saying that is just as bad as what gibson said and even worse because linda was most likely sober when she made her remark. it's irresponsible and ignorant.
I can't believe anyone has this much time to spend writing on blogs to defend Mel Gibson. Unless it's their *job*.
12:41. Check all the blogs, it's topic du jour. (Wish I could get paid for spouting, opining, griping and pontificating.)
Plus, who doesn't love hitting 'Login and Publish' for a cheap thrill.
For heaven sake (now if that isn't a pun). It's called an ANALOGY People. Just because it's the big guns doesn't mean it ain't apt. TEAM ANALOGY.
Screw celebrities and liquor!
Poor Paris. Nobody is talking about her today.
Paris has big feet.
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