Just when you thought the stories about the Simpson clan & Nick Lachey were over and done with, more and more keep creeping back into the scenery. Public opinion of Jessica Simpson's father Joe Simpson has always been in the shit hole and it's junk like this that continues to make people dislike the man. The NY Daily News is reporting that in the 7 months between Nick and Jessica separating up until their divorce, Joe Simpson had what seemed to an unhealthy obsession with the activities of his soon-to-be ex son in law. They are claiming that when Joe got wind that Nick, CaCee Cobb and Vanessa Minillo were all at the same nightclub one night (not necessarily together), Joe allegedly called up the club and demanded to see the security tape because he wanted to try and find dirt on Nick. Ew. Papa Joe is so sleazy. NYDN reports that a source said, "Joe was looking to incriminate Nick. He told the club, 'If you ever want to see my daughter there, you'll give me what I want.'" Good news is that the club reportedly refused to cave to his almighty Simpson threats and did not show him the security video for that evening. Papa Joe really is a piece of work. Do you think he has any clue that he is the one ruining both his daughter's careers and that when he pulls shit like this, people end up rooting for and loving Nick even more?
Source: Daily Dish
i'm so glad he's not moping around anymore... glad to see him happy... finally...
He kinda grows on you, doesn't he? I'm a lesbian and I even think he's a doll.
Papa Joe is totally disgusting. Dresses for shit too. Is he staring at nick in that first pic or at jessica's tits?
I've seen pictures all over of him and he looks so happy now. Finally. The guy deserves it after all the BS and whatnot.
Otherwise, oh my. I don't even know what to think of him doing that. I hope that's not true.
Syd- your comment was funny about Jess's tits!
Otherwise, Joe Simpson is a pig and I wouldn't put it past him to pull something shady like that.
Nick is a total hottie and I hope he finds the love of his life and lives happily ever after...
no, he's totally staring at ashlee's tits.
jessica looks jealous.
poor mom looks reigned.
I hope that's not true. I cant believe he's a former minister!
anyone can be a minister
He could have hired a Private Detective or pretty much anyone else for a bit of anonymity and no story besides ones prefaced with, "allegedly" Silly old minister.
And Nick does seem really happy!
You would think if Jessica Simpson is a Christian as she says she is she would not show off her breasts the way she does. I don't think her father is much of a minister and she isn't much of s Christian either. I like Nick Lachey and I hope he finds happiness. He seems like a good guy. I think he was done wrong.
You would think if Jessica Simpson is a Christian as she says she is she would not show off her breasts the way she does. I don't think her father is much of a minister and she isn't much of s Christian either. I like Nick Lachey and I hope he finds happiness. He seems like a good guy. I think he was done wrong.
Whoah now...let's not discourage the good Christian girls from displaying their racks!! I mean, come on!!
haha syd... yeah the Bible does enough of that, right?
yeah, nick is a sweetie. i think she already is having regrets.
I saw "Ms I'm such a Christian" good girl's latest video. Licking that guys face, flirting with and stealing another girl's guy, and what she was doing to and with that poor ice cream cone was not exactly "anything" I was ever taught in Church. Just what kind of "Minister" was her "I luv my daughter's DD"s " anyway??? wink, wink, nod, nod ;o) Gosh shes just such a "role model" for young women , don't ya think?
I loved Nick in 98 Degrees, but he was really pathetic as Mr. Simpson. I'm so happy for him! He's finally back on track with his career, and look at him!! He's smiling!!
I'm not sure Vanessa is the girl for him though.. I think she still has a thing with Derek Jeter.
best thing that happened to him was getting away from the Simpsons, Joe is beyond creepy and seems to be managing his daughter's career into the toilet this last year...
And I am quite sure he is checking out Nick's package...sick mofo
that Millino chick is actually hot...not just a life support system for some tits
Dont even get me started on how pathetic I feel Joe Simpson is. Oh well, what can you do? There are people who are just TOO close to their parents.
She does all kinds of messed up things in front of him, magazine shoots half naked, all kinds of provacative things.... you know what they say about those priests/ministers...whatever he claimed to be!
I guarantee he has seen her naked a time or two, and tried to brush it off as being professional...
he freaks us all out! The sad, scary part is, people arent just poking fun at him...this kind of freaky incest stuff happens all the time and what the hell is not to stop it in Hollywood?
He probably told her to do the ice cream and almost-lesbian scene in her new video just for his own pleasure. Notice the rental-skate guy looked somewhat like himself.
You Know Joe may be a bad guy or known as a sleeze but DONT go bashing Jessica for it. Just because their relashonship dident work is there is no reason you should be bashing her so STOP. You know if you where her how would u feel if she went and bashed you. Asses
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