Tabloid Whore!



Oh Michael Jackson, what the hell will be next with this fellow? Another crazy story is surfacing...Remember back in November 2003 when Jackson was arrested for charges of child molestation and a week or so after he was released he claimed that he was roughed up by the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department while in custody? The fellow had nasty bruises on his forearms and said they were from the tight handcuffs sheriffs put on him. Not to mention, he also said when he needed to go to the restroom they locked him in some bathroom that "smelled like doo-doo" and had "feces on the walls." How could you NOT remember a grown an using the word "doo-doo?" That said, let it be known that the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department was cleared of any wrong doing against Jackson after an investigation into the accusations was conducted in 2004.
Now, Fox News has obtained exclusive photos from a source close to Jackson of these bruises. The source claims that they were faked by Jackson and done with makeup and that Jackson's wounds were "self-inflicted ... and caused a rapidly rising welt to form." If you look at the photos, the color of his bruises reportedly match the color of makeup on Jackson's cheeks. It is alleged that Jackson knew he was in trouble and felt it was time to "press the red button." This meant, in a bid for public sympathy, Jackson allegedly came up with the idea to appear as though he had been abused by the sheriffs Department, because he had hoped to start a race war. "He wanted it to be like O.J., a black vs. white issue. He wanted the black community to burn down police stations, riot and protest if they [the police and authorities] went against him," the source told Fox News.
Oh dear. Oh, and by the way...the little hand in the top photo is said to be that of his son, Prince Michael.
Source/ photo credit: FOX News


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be hard for Black people
to feel sorry for this fool since he's not black anymore.

10:57 AM, June 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

F-the bruises...I can't get past his creepy face... UGH!!!

12:45 PM, June 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DA in that case had a vendetta.

Not trying to say Michael's Mr. Clean -- but that case was not handled professionally. The DA misused his power to settle an old grudge.

3:09 PM, June 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and if that is his son's hand, aint no way that boy is biologically his. NO WAY!

3:38 PM, June 13, 2006  
Blogger Mary-Cardwella said...

wait.......if it's a race issue, does that mean he still thinks he's black????

5:10 AM, June 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the poor guy is desprate
if he would use self mutilation and make up to get sympothy
i say just give him what ever dignity he has left and just try to forget these photos and not hold them against him

"i cant get past his creepy face" what the F is wrong with you he is beautiful i would kill for that face

7:55 PM, February 14, 2007  

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