The National Enquirer was right there when Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban landed in Tahiti for their hot little honeymoon, snagging the first shot of the pair. Love those two! Read more about it over at The National Enquirer who provided this exclusive pic!
A very hearty congratulations and good luck to them, they have really conducted themselves with such class. It was incredible watching all the wedding reports, seeing their families smiling and simply enjoying themselves, it seems they had a fun week and they showed how to do it, be private and yet appreciate that some fans would love to see them yesterday and so gave them a great show, what stars!
Have a great time in Tahiti :).
If this was truly two people in love and a real life fairy tale it would be delicious, however, Mr. Kidman has been bought and paid for and he was a successful artist with an adoring fan following.
I for one, will offer congrats when the divorce is over!
What sort of nasty mind could post such a way in the way lolita has? What is to you what happens to these people? You are not by some chance the person going around every site that mentions Keith and Nicole trying to rain on their parade. Better watch out for libel suits against this slanderous campaign you are waging.
Neither Keith's fans nor Nicole fans agree with you. Noone who is a fan of Keith would ever hurt him this way.
-- Congratulations Keith and Nicole. I hope you have a peaceful and passionate honeymoon and a long and happy marraige. --
Oh god Lolita, you're one of those types of fans! Grow up.
Good luck Keith & Nicole! You deserve all the happiness in the world.
Again she's in black. Is this her "I still love him" message to Tom? Poor Keith. Being lead to the musical career slaughter by her controlling gnarled hands.
Ha. I never knew there were Keith Urban fans out there that had some silly campaign against Nicole. Go figure. Seems like some of you are stretching a bit, for example..."Again she's in black." C'mon. She is an amazing, classy woman, be happy for him.
We'll just wait and see how Keith's fans react when SHE starts dictating his schedule and he isn't touring anymore!! It started way before the wedding.
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