There is a rumor going around that Justin Timberlake finally dumped Cameron Diaz last week (hooray!). I'm sorry, I love me some JT, but I never felt the whole thing with Cameron Diaz at all.
"What happened is that Justin is poised to leave on a world tour and he wants to be free. Last week he informed Cameron that it's over, just as she was about to leave town to film some movie pickups, and according to insiders "she is devastated." "They were a great, well matched couple in many ways but Cameron (at 33) is ready to settle down and wants a commitment, even though she might not admit it. Justin is only 24 and he's been with Cameron for three years. He hasn't had a chance to sow his wild oats yet." "A few weeks back, Justin and his buddies took off for a few days in Las Vegas and Cameron went chasing after him. She was just too clingy."

UPDATE: Ack! Someone is trying to do "damage control" because a source told PEOPLE today that the couple is still very much together. Egh! Let's hope the hell not!
"The couple are in fact very much together, as he prepares for the release of his album," says the source, who is close to Timberlake. "Of course, made-up sources have had them breaking up, getting married and having a baby ever since they began dating over three years ago."
I sure hope so. Since she is one of the rudest celebs, no guy should want his name attached to that. Can't stand her!
she tried to p/u donald trump at a nyc bar before she was famous; she was a hooker and he said hell no but later let it be known on stern's show. heehee, i always knew she was a fucking whore.
what? You people are mean. Just kidding.
I read the opposite about Cameron, that she's nice to fans and crew. But I don't know cuz I haven't met her.
Justin is just too young for her. Even if they BOTH don't ever want to marry, it's just too much of an age difference.
what does p/u mean?
until this breakup thing happened i didn't know how much everyone hated cameron diaz! but apparently they do cuz all the blogs are like "finally! f-off, beyatch!"
p/u means : "pick up."
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