Ryan Seacrest was slightly injured on the set of American Idol Tuesday as he sat his big fat ass on a glass table, leaned back and broke through the thing. Haha, I love Ryan, but the story is so ridiculous, I can't stop laughing as I type this. He talked about the incident on his radio show this morning explaining, "I decided, I'm 155 pounds, I can sit on that thing. I then put my hand back in the middle of the table and all of a sudden there's this huge pop and I fall into the middle of the framing ... blood all over me." Ryan reported that he is fine and that Fatty Mc Fat Fat didn't even need a single stich. Oh, all joking aside (and I can only joke because we know Ryan is, like the size of a girl), I am glad he is ok. Shit, that's a lesson for all of us. I know next time I'm going to think twice next before I plant my skinny ass on a glass table!
Source: The Insider
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