Millions of fans were thrilled to see Elizabeth Taylor alive and well on Larry King Live Tuesday night talking about her health and pimping her new jewelry line. Contrary to recent tabloid reports that she was in the early stages of Alzheimer's, Dame Taylor was in rare form answering Larry King's questions about her health saying, "Oh come on, do I look like I'm dying?" "Do I look like or sound like I have Alzheimer's?" No, thankfully, she didn't. Elizabeth also said photos of her leaving the hospital in a wheelchair were due to back problems she has had since she was a young girl. The only problem she seemed to have during the interview was with with her nose and blowing it on live television, all while Larry King just sat back silently and watched. Ever hear of filling time Lar? Not to mention, when Larry asked Elizabeth if her new line of jewelry was costume or real diamonds, she appeared shocked that he could think she wouldn't use real diamonds and hollered back, "you bet your ass they are!" As they went to commercial break you could hear Liz as she laughed and screamed, "COSTUME??!!" It was truly a great moment. Really Larry, we ARE talking about Dame Elizabeth Taylor here. The nerve!
Read the transcript here.
Yayyyyy for Liz! If everyone woulda just listened to me you wouldn't have had to worry!
Liz Taylor is a great lady. Not a big deal made every time she does something humanitarian. (Hint to Bono, who needs to do more than throw concerts for himself).
After Katrina, Liz donated a mobile medic truck to help residents of New Orleans. Like a small hospital on wheels.
This woman has been "dying" since I was a young child.
I would never count her out.
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