Tabloid Whore!



This week's issue of The National Enquirer has an exclusive cover story claiming the dear troubled Whitney Houston was diagnosed with a brain tumor 2 weeks ago. They also claim that as of now, she has ignored her doctor's advice to seek treatment. Although we didn't hear a peep out of Whitney when The Enquirer published photos a couple weeks back of her drug filled bathroom, the girl has now put down the crack pipe to say, "hell to the no, Whitney ain't got no brain tumor, fool!" Whitney's rep told Access Hollywood, "It's an absolute lie and Ms. Houston is evaluating her legal options at this time." It's interesting the things Whitney chooses to deny compared to the things she has kept uncomfortably silent about. At this time, The National Enquirer is said to be standing by their story 100%. I don't know what to think about this one. For Whitney's sake, I hope it's not true because that would be horribly tragic. Saying that, as much as we tend to snicker at tabloids, when a paper such as The National Enquirer (which has been around for a really long time) makes a claim like this, they usually have their ass covered where sources are concerned. It's the stories in those new glossy tabloids that I take more-or-less with a grain of salt. I really, really, hope this isn't true and if it happens to be, well, girlfriend, please get the treatment that you need.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After all these years... this is still too hard to read about. "Didn't she almost have it all?" Beauty, poise, singing voice... magazines who were thrilled to put her on the cover. Good movie roles.

Something must have happened in her childhood. It's going to take a miracle for her to reverse the destructive path she's on.

10:02 AM, May 17, 2006  

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