Here are a couple shots of Britney taking a walk with Sean Preston and the dude everyone is calling her "manny." Hey, at least Sean Preston will have some contact with a man since his father never seems to be around. Plus, the guy ain't half bad looking. In other Britney news, word is her publicist is not denying that Britney and Kevin are now separated and that she's banished him to the basement where he belongs!
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We survived the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. We desperately need help. We are somewhere in the South Pacific. Is anybody out there?
That picture is old, it's Mother's Day when she was driving with the rollers, leave Britney alone, move on already show your creativity for God's sake.....
Finally, some good news!
Gary are u kidding?
that is what trailer people do, walk around with curlers in their hair all day!
1:23- the pics are from 5/25. And even if they were older, who cares? But yes, everyone who reads this site knows I am wayyyyyy to harsh on Britney. Wayyyy to harsh.
Leave TW alone. That's all.
Can't SOMEBODY collect a few donations and get K-Fed neutered? Should be a free spay and neuter clinic somewhere willing to help.
K-Fed is breeding at the rate of one baby per year. Just think, 3 kids and one on the way with his DNA. GROSS
2 words.....trailer park...
K-Fed is only interested in breeding, not parenting. One a year and by this time next year 4 and one more on the way.
Just think, all those poor kids with that slobs DNA.
g r o s s
thank gaaawwd she's kicked his ass to the curb! i hope he stays there. this guy is much cuter... and she deserves some respect. i like her. who gives a rat's ass if she has curlers in her hair... maybe she was getting ready. it's not a trailer park thang dears!
I was surprised to read that she earned $100 million from her perfume. Since she was married to K-Fed throughout the period of the perfume sales . . .
. . . here's hoping the prenup holds up.
Well, she better stop squandering her money. Her career was over when she married That slime ball husband of hers. She has no talent in the first place, and now she is pumping kids out every year...Wow she is the poster child for all the uneducated white trash out there that loves her music! GO BRIT YOU ARE SUCH A ROLE MODEL!
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