Oh how this made me laugh. In an interview with New York magazine, Rosie O'Donnell could not keep her issues with Star Jones and her mystery weight loss to herself, which therefore, produced the following little rant. I still can't get over her using the term, "former fatty." Ha.
Source: New York magazine
“Here’s what annoys me about Star Jones. As a former fatty, she has an obligation to her tribe. And to write a book about how to be the perfect woman that she now is, and to leave out gastric bypass … it’s just like selling bullsh-t to the point that it’s sickening.” She shakes her head.
“She pretends that she was never one of us. And she pushed away a plate of Oreos with Joy [Behar, cohost of The View]. They had new Double Stuf Oreos they had to eat obviously because they had a Nabisco deal at ABC, and Star goes, ‘I’ll just have one, because I have self-control.’ And I thought, Joy’s gonna say it. She’s gonna say, ‘You lying sack of sh-t, you can only eat one because you poop soup!’”
woo.. rosie needs her meds.. someone give her a handful.
Who's he to clown anyone?
I'm loving 'former Fatty' AND "obligation to her tribe' I'm dying!!!
Oh sweet baby jesus!
Someone should have the balls to call "Former Fatty who's married to a gay man and won't admit it" out. Fat Ass Jones maketh me sick!
Like her or not, Star's obligation is only to herself. She doesn't owe fatties anything. And as far as pretending she was never fat, that's absurd; she talked endlessly about problems she had being morbidly obese when she was on her last book tour. I understand Rosie's point, but I also understand that its not our business what Star did and also that if she aint bein' paid to promote it, she aint promotin' it..and if she is afraid folks will rush out and get gastric bypass because it helped her..and it maybe not turning out well..well, its really Star's business what she does and does not tell. Sorry, Rosie.
OINK OINK Rosie... you are so fucking fat, I wish you would get your fucking mouth stapled shut. Who the fuck cares how Star Jones lost weight? Good lord, aren't there more important things you could be talking about like your homo cruises?
I totally agree with Oink Oink Rosie... misery loves company, Rosie is not perfect. I have seen and read statements that she has made.Rosie everyone has an opinion, we live in a free country.
I totally agree with Oink Oink Rosie... How can Rosie talk about anyone. After all she's not perfect. I have watched her show in the past years. She has made numerous mistakes. Star Jones has a degree in law, and I'm sure she knows what she is saying.
she may have a degree in law but that does not make her perfect. she thinks that she is setting an example for young girls by lying. i don't think so. be honest about what you did if your going to put it out there. it is obvious that you have had gastric bypass. i am a nurse and know that you don't have a tummy tuck and boob job unless you have no more fat left which comes from the gastric bypass
AJ ::: Preach it, sista!
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