Oooh! I love scandal like this. Page Six is reporting that Tori Spelling and her parents are no longer speaking to each other. If you think it's because daddy Aaron went and spent millions for his baby girl's wedding, only to have her up and cheat and bail on her husband for a hotter guy, you'd only be half right. Apparently the Spelling's are PO'd because in an upcoming episode of Tori's new sitcom, 'So noTORIous.' Tori mocks her real life mother Candi (played by the fab Loni Anderson on the show). Premiering on VH1 April 2nd, 'So noTORIous,' which is loosely based on Tori's life after 90210 fame, is said to contain a scene that had her mother threatening baby girl with a lawsuit. A friend of Tori's told Page Six:
"There is a scene in the first episode of her new show, 'So noTORIous,' in which she makes fun of the eBay room in her parents' house. Her mother has a huge shopping problem and has a whole room dedicated to the stuff she buys on the site. When Candy saw the episode, she threatened Tori and said she was going to sue her."
Through her publicist, Tori released a statement to Page Six saying, 'So noTORIous' is a fictionalized account of my life after '90210' with fictional characters . . . We take poetic license with everyone and every story line on the show." I for one, cannot wait to watch Tori's new show. I fear that it is going to be one of my new guilty pleasures. At first I thought it was going to suck balls until I saw a 5 minute clip on VH1 recently. I have to say, it looked really, really, funny because all she does is make fun of herself and her public persona. Shit, with a mother that has a frickin' eBay room, a wrapping room, and who knows what other madness Tori is privy too, you know she will have a lot of good material to work with. Oh dear, oh dear. After this latest scuffle, something tells me daddy won't be paying a cent for Tori's wedding #2.
Source: Page Six
"There is a scene in the first episode of her new show, 'So noTORIous,' in which she makes fun of the eBay room in her parents' house. Her mother has a huge shopping problem and has a whole room dedicated to the stuff she buys on the site. When Candy saw the episode, she threatened Tori and said she was going to sue her."
Through her publicist, Tori released a statement to Page Six saying, 'So noTORIous' is a fictionalized account of my life after '90210' with fictional characters . . . We take poetic license with everyone and every story line on the show." I for one, cannot wait to watch Tori's new show. I fear that it is going to be one of my new guilty pleasures. At first I thought it was going to suck balls until I saw a 5 minute clip on VH1 recently. I have to say, it looked really, really, funny because all she does is make fun of herself and her public persona. Shit, with a mother that has a frickin' eBay room, a wrapping room, and who knows what other madness Tori is privy too, you know she will have a lot of good material to work with. Oh dear, oh dear. After this latest scuffle, something tells me daddy won't be paying a cent for Tori's wedding #2.
Source: Page Six
I can't wait for this show!!
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