Tabloid Whore!



Here's a photo of Ms. Britney getting her groove on yesterday at Mardi Gras. My girl Brit went to surprise and also spend the day with a group of highschool students whose lives were affected by Hurricane Katrina. Featured this morning on Good Morning America, the girls were set to have a breakfast meeting with city councilman Jay Batt to discuss the effects of Katrina, but after their meeting, they had another surprise. Britney walked in the room and the girls got all squealy and excited like little girls do. Britney told the girls she was going to take them all shopping "to pick out some really good outfits," and also to eat at one of Emeril Laggase's restaurants. Mmmmm....Shopping and eating with Britney? Damn, I'm not even a teenager and I would get all squealy for that. While there, she also surprised the school dance team The Gatorettes. Big props going out to Britney for bringing some light into to these girls lives, which I can only imagine have not been anything close to easy these past several months.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loves me some Brit! Good for her for not forgetting from where she came. Too bad she had to add to the devastation of Louisiana by bringing along K-Fed and her most annoying mother.

11:05 AM, February 28, 2006  

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