Tabloid Whore!



She's already got Jordy.

In the world of celebrity, it's a lot of "gimme! gimme! gimme! what can I get for free?" That's why it's very refreshing when one of them realizes that there is a real world with people suffering outside of their "catered to" bubble and does something about it. According to Contact Music, bride to be Christina Aguilera is urging her family and friends not to buy her wedding gifts when she exchanges vows with Jordan Bratman in December - she wants them to give the cash they would have spent on her to charity. A card included with their wedding invitations asks "While we celebrate the richness of life and all the circumstances that have blessed us in career and love, we are mindful of those who are suffering greatly as a result of hurricanes Katrina and Rita. "The best gift you could give us is a donation to any of the organizations helping the stricken citizens of New Orleans." You know they would have been getting some $$pimp$$ gifts. That's some good Karma, girl. Happy Wedding.


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