Tabloid Whore!



A very wise judge ruled on Friday that Sharon Rocha, the mother of Laci Peterson, will receive the $250,000 life insurance policy that Scott Peterson had taken out on his wife Laci. Sharon had to go to court to fight for it because Scott, who is currently on death row for the murder of his wife, did not want to give up the money until all his appeals were exhausted (we're talking possibly 20+ years here). Stanislaus County Superior Court Judge Roger Beauchesne said Friday that because Scott Peterson was convicted of killing his pregnant wife, Laci, and the fetus she carried, he is not entitled to collect the benefits of her life insurance policy. Under state law, criminals cannot profit from their crimes. He said the money should go to the executor of her estate, which is Laci Peterson’s mother, Sharon Rocha. Again, justice was served. THE SACRAMENTO UNION


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