Tabloid Whore!



Oh those Canadian's...they just keep getting better and better. The Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty which is based in Toronto posted a message from our favorite convicted pregnant wife murderer and adulterer Scott Peterson! Here is what good 'ol Scott had to say:

Message From Scott Peterson« Thread Started on Jul 26, 2005, 2:50pm »
"7/21Thank YouFor me, the amount of support we have received is just incredible.Those who have decided to reach out to our family have made such a difference. The thoughtfulness and benevolence shown is a source of strength and spirit, an affirmation of considerate community. In every conversation among our family there is always the mention of your thoughts and letters.At mail call I am encouraged by, and enjoy hearing from people. I wish I could respomnd to express my gratitude, and continue to correspond. However, people having sold my notes, and sometimes fabricating content, preclude me from doing so. It is an irritating, unfortunate situation. I am tremendously appreciative of your kindness, it has such a wonderful positive effect upon our family."
- SCOTT PETERSON; July 21/05, San Quentin State Prison, California

Oh how I love people against the death penalty. If you read the thread completely you will also see how upset people are that Scott cannot respond personally to letters anymore. Outrage! After this, I'm kinda glad the Canadians hate us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't figure out if you are pro-Scott or anti-Scott. From your last post on this subject it seemed like you still held out the possibility that he didn't do it?

1:04 PM, August 03, 2005  
Blogger Tabloid Whore! said...

On the last post I just didn't believe the story about the knife and also that he confessed in jail....I waver...I think he is more guilty than innocent, but am very frustrated with the lack of physical evidence found for a supposed murder. His behavior with Amber after Laci's dissapearance makes me think he is psychotic and guilty though. I just can't understand how he could act like that when she was missing...even if their marraige was strained.

1:55 PM, August 03, 2005  

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