Tabloid Whore!



Tonight, chaos broke out in the Big Brother house!!! Even Big Brother was scared as he frantically came over the loud speaker ordering the houseguests to disperse and go to different areas of the house! It was awesome!!! Here is a link to a webpage that has a transcript of some things that got bleeped out like Mike telling Eric he had a small penis, plus pictures and video of the fight.

So, the other day, me and my Boy Jizzy were keepin' it real over some Peet's coffee and Big Brother talk. When he told me that Eric had to go, I said, "c'mon, give him props. He's a firefighter, we gotta like him." Well, I admit here, that I should have listened to the wise one and bailed on Eric at that very moment. I certainly have after tonight and Saturday nights episode. His playing the hero role has got to go...not to mention, he has taken the Head of Household title a bit too seriously, like, what's up with telling everyone not to eat all the food at once? Annoying! I also don't like how he has been calling Mike a sexual harasser. Give me a break and loosen up people! AND, Yvette is now off my list of favorites. Shut up with your "I'm Cuban, I can get loud!" or "I'm about to go Cuban on him!" comments. Other things to note: Kaysar is still H-O-T, hot, hot, hot AND, Janelle and Mike have begun making out......

Jizzy and everyone else who watches, YOUR COMMENTS ARE REQUESTED!


Blogger Tabloid Whore! said...

Jizzy, you never fail me. Your comments are sickening, shocking beautiful and truthful. I love you!

10:30 AM, July 21, 2005  

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