Tabloid Whore!



Tick tock, tick tock. Oh time is a tickin' away for Paula Abdul and you know she is sweating. The producers of "American Idol" and Fox TV hired an independent counsel to determine whether Ms. Paula did indeed have an affair or not with former contestant Corey Clark. Results are due soon and going to be made public. Fox Entertainment President Peter Liguori refused to say whether or not Paula would get the boot if the allegations against her are found to be true. You know what that means, she ain't going nowhere. Personally, I believe Paula did have an affair with gross Corey, but hey, we all make mistakes. Plus, Paula had been drugged up on all those pain pills for her neck and dealing with chronic pain and I am sure it affected her judgment. Look at him. He is gross and honestly, the embarrassment for her that this affair was made public and Corey's kiss and tell on Howard Stern (we learned Paula is "allegedly" very quiet in the bedroom and does not like it rough) is bad enough. I love how the new trend is to make a witch hunt when a woman makes a mistake (Paula, Martha Stewart, all those women having affairs with their students) but when a man does it, he seems to get away with it. Lets not even get into those "alleged" rumors about one of the male Producers and Kimberly Locke had an on going affair and she made it to final 3. You would only know about that if you were an obsessive message board reader like Tabloid Whore because the press never cared to pick up the story. As much as me and my friends (and I'm sure the majority of the viewing public) make fun of Paula for her marble mouth, clapping like a seal and all her stupid comments on the show, you know if she was gone ya might actually miss her. Now Randy, that's another story.


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