Well, looks like any chances of reconciliation between Anne Heche and Coley Laffoon are, like, over. Coley filed for divorce from Anne and is seeking joint custody of their cutie 4 year old son, Homer. He also wants spousal support from Anne. Usually I roll my eyes when a man who is married to a female celebrity files for spousal support, but Coley is an exception to my eyeroll. He put his career on hold to be a stay at home dad to Homer, while Anne went out and continued her acting career, so he deserves to get some type of spousal support. Sure, Coley could have pawned the kid off on a nanny while he and Anne both went out and worked, but because circumstances made him able to, he chose to be there for his baby instead. Loves it.
It's seriously a bad day for relationships. Kylie Minogue broke up with her boy too. Too bad it all has to happen like this.
I wonder what Ellen thinks about this.
stfu kylie minogue broke up with my hottness olivier martinez? the guy who was there for her during her cancer treatment. fuck that. and fuck anne heche. she is such a douche.
agree, he deserves the spousal.
Two caring parents in Hollywood. Maybe they could take in the Federline children from down the street.
anne is thinking with her nads and she has a big selection to choose from, male, female, whatever! get the cash, coley!
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