So I was reading Page Six today and I literally gasped when I read the following blind item:
WHICH Tinseltown sex siren with a humanitarian streak has resumed her old habit of dabbling with heroin? She paid a recent visit to an old rock star friend and joined him in narcotic stupor . .
Okay, without naming names (not that you probably can't guess who my first thought was), only one person instantly comes to mind when I think of "tinseltown sex siren" and "humanitarian streak." Saying that, I highly doubt it's the obvious choice and since I don't have time to try and think of who else this blind item could apply to, ease my mind and tell me who you think Page Six could be hinting at?
Pam Anderson?
i know this sounds highly unlikely but all the hints point to it for me...angelina jolie
Not Oprah :-).
Not Yoko Ono, either :-).
I thought Angie too. But no....
Pam has been hanging out with her dirty ex again....he loves needles.
At first I thought Angelina, but I think Pam is more realistic...
Good call with Pam A. I was thinking more of Ms. Jolie.
Keep in mind that they do write these "Blind Items" to make you think its one person when in reality it's another.
So TW---are we on the right track? What do you think???
Pam Anderson a humanitarian????? She does support PETA, but I don't know if that qualifies as humanitarian.
Why would anyone highly doubt it could be Angelina Jolie, because she has children? So do plenty of the smackies I see on the street on a daily basis. Old habits are hard to break, maybe she's using for her weight, she looks shockingly thin lately. Lindsay Lohan was another named suspect but she aint humanitarian neither is Pamela Anderson.
1:23- The PA idea is interesting, although I never believed she did hard drugs (booze, maybe, but hard drugs, no). Plus, they refer to this person having a past heroin problem and I also agree with the person that said Pamela helps PETA, but would that be considered humanitarian...AND, as much as it sounds like AJ, I would be horribly shocked--it could explain her thin stick arms though. Aside from that, the Oprah one is my favorite guess ;)
What about Winona? Though I wouldn't call her a sex siren....
How about Brittany Murphy? I seem to recall a similar Page 6 item about her a couple years ago...though I don't know how humanitarian she is, I guess...
Definitely Pamela. Sharing a needle is probably how her dirty ass got Hepatitis.
When I finished reading the item I thought Pam as well. ... Hmm. She does look a bit worse for wear lately. I know the divorce from Kid Rock is straining, and that might have pushed her back into using.
probably Sharon Stone.....
Definately Sharon Stone!
pamela anderson? as long as the animals don't get shot up.
i guess it could be angelina jolie... she looks really anorexic...not too for the sex siren thing, is that because she is notoriously unpredictable and seemingly up for anything?(i don't get it). i think that her children must not have a very stable life. what might look glamorous from the outside may not be at all.
It's Jolie. It would explain the stupid comments she made about Shiloh.
I think it's definitely Pam. I don't think of Jolie as either "tinseltown" or "sex siren". It would also explain Pam's beat down look lately.
She did help out KFed --- although his stauts as a human is questionable, so that might qualify her as a humanitarian....
Paris? naah --- she is neither tinseltown nor sex siren... discuss.
Angelina is a bit twisty when it comes to siblings. Didn't she french kiss her own brother...(sloppy wet, slipping the tongue) i think it was at some red carpet event, with lots of published photos. yuck.
could it be billy bob thornton slipping her the smack?
Pamela Anderson of course. The old rock star is Tommy Lee and the source is Kid Rock. Thats why Rock (Pam taking heroine with TOmmy) was searching for Pamela at the hotel he was knocking down doors at.
I'm going to say Jolie because it was reported she met with Marilyn Manson recently..And they are very good friends....
anon 10:52- I JUST read that too and had the same thought. Especially because part of why Dita allegedly broke up with him was for his partying. Also, if you look at his artwork on his website, manson did a couple portraits of Angie. Gah! Scandalous!
5:48... interesting. Those weird comments she made about Shiloh were definitely not related to jetlag or long hours. They were just weird.
Maybe that's the answer. If so, Brad sure didn't sign up for this mess.
For a couple who never mentioned the relationship, all of sudden AJ's running on with the gooey comments. "We're so similar. He's so smart, so caring."
Early attempts at damage control? Time will tell.
Page six just answered their own blind item today, go check it out:
Another Manson-watcher tells Page Six he's also close pals with Brad Pitt's paramour, Angelina Jolie - who caught up with the rock star when she was in L.A. a little over five months ago. "They've known each other for a long time," said our source, "since she was way more wild than she is now - they are still good friends, though."
Brad, Brad, Brad... you wanted June Cleaver but you got Elvira.
Angelina. Her rock star friend is Marilyn Manson. So there. The thought of these two is enough to make you go crazy.LOL!
none of these people have past heroin problems to my knowledge. correct me if i'm wrong.
IT'S NATALIE COLE! sike j/k, but maybe
can you still call Pam a sex siren? Where's the humanatarian bit?
It's Angelina...and the rocker pal is Marilyn Manson...craziness
Angelina Jolie admitted to doing heroin on Inside the Actors Studio.
I bet it is her.
She seems like a weirdo.
I think it is either Pamela Anderson or Drew Barrymore.
Normally, you'd find these answers on Dlisted, but lately, Dlisted hasn't given up any information or names. DAMN!
Pam Anderson does do humanitarian work with AIDS and the American liver foundation. Trust me, Page 6 would never make a blind item so obvious. They'd get the shit sued out of them. It's Pam and Tommy Lee. Recall that that's right around the time she and Kid Rock split. Makes sense to me.
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