The UK's Daily Mirror has a story on Madonna saying that she is starting to look old and stretchy. Apparently, she went to Paris for a Gaultier fashion show and wasn't looking her usual self. People are starting to think that maybe her crazy fitness regimen is taking a toll on her looks because she allegedly works out 3 hours a day and eats only wholegrains and vegetables. The Mirror said, "The 47-year-old's skin was stretched across razor-sharp cheekbones and her chin was puckered as she turned up for a Gaultier fashion show." A fellow guest who observed her said, "Madonna usually looks so groomed. It was a bit of a shock to see her looking so ropey." Ahhhh! I loves the term "ropey!" Even though she looks like she is wearing a pair of those fake, dirty, white trash teeth you buy in the joke shop, I just think that it was a bad photo, that's all. Madge is still a hot bitch to me.
Um..did you see the rest of the pics from that bunch? They make me wonder if our dear Madge is okay. This one could be excused as a bad angle, but the straight on ones too are BLECH!
Hey. Hazim here. Ugh! Madonna looks more messed up than Courtney Love drunk. okay...Courtney's always drunk, but still, Madge looks "Hung Up" on something.
Has this peen photoshopped?I have never thought MaDonna was attractive even when she was young and dark haired including her pubic hair!But this photo makes me cringe at what aging can do to some folks. Greg
Um..did you see the rest of the pics from that bunch? They make me wonder if our dear Madge is okay. This one could be excused as a bad angle, but the straight on ones too are BLECH!
NO! please provide a link so we can all see. I'm scared!
Caption should read "What's up, Doc?"
Hey. Hazim here.
Ugh! Madonna looks more messed up than Courtney Love drunk. okay...Courtney's always drunk, but still, Madge looks "Hung Up" on something.
Has this peen photoshopped?I have never thought MaDonna was attractive even when she was young and dark haired including her pubic hair!But this photo makes me cringe at what aging can do to some folks. Greg
i look at this picture on a regular makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.
Give that boy toy some hay!
hey greg sundborg....your last name means swimmingcity in icelandic
Wow, thanks for the belly-busting laugh I got out of that. It's going to be a long way down for Madge, I think.
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